Tuesday, May 13, 2008


This was taken in Dr. Wes Leonard's Linguistics 55AC lecture on Thursday, May 8, 2008. This was the last lecture of the year, and Wes wanted to end the class with a discussion on constructed languages and their significance. He also talked about Tolkein's languages.
This was really an incredible class; I highly recommend it. It satisfies an AC requirement, if you're interested. The GSIs and Wes all come off as really opinionated, but they really don't mind you arguing with them. For those of you looking for crazy "Berkeley" classes where the teachers are all biased and try to convince you, then this class is the best I've found so far. Awesome class.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Happy Happy Man

Happy Happy Man--a landmark of the southside of campus. So many messages... if only I more time, to take them all in.

Happy Birthday, Israel (I guess)

On Wednesday, May 7 (the day before Israel's 60th "birthday"), SJP (Students For Justice in Palestine) organized this little demonstration. From my seat at GBC, I inferred that they were calling attention to the harsh treatment of Palestinians in Israel, forcing them to go through long delays at border crossings. They emphasized the searching and delousing, the armed guards, and the hostile treatment the Palestinians were subject to. The pro-Israel camp I was sitting with at the time was horrified. I was a little less emotional.
They way I saw it, SJP was trying to get a point across, and (although they failed), they were being fairly responsible about it. Yes, they were going for shock value. No, they weren't really saying much--National governments have a history of tight, racially targeted security protocols during times of increased international tension (Japanese internment camps, anyone?) There are worse ways (see "die in"). Besides, after the crude piece of anti-Muslim Student Association propaganda that the Daily Cal ran the day before, I can't say I was surprised, or even had grounds for offense.
Although I am a member of team Israel, I like to think I have more in common with those who think rationally than any particular "side."

For more about the propaganda, I'll have it up later.

Friday, May 2, 2008


...wow. I wanted to say something philosophical about the free flow of information and its eventual conclusions, but I didn't have the heart.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Yes We Can

Not actually my idea- but I don't know who first came up with it.

My First Lol

A typical Berkeley kid.